Piper Shores’ Autumnal Resident Art Show for 2024

Piper Shores is excited to announce the Autumnal Resident Art Show, now in its 18th year, following nearly two decades of showcasing resident-created artwork.

The 2024 Autumnal Resident Art Show will take place on Saturday, October 19, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM at Piper Shores’ Oceanside campus in Scarborough. The event is open to the Greater Portland community free of charge, and will feature dozens of original works by resident artists, including this year’s featured artist, Ron Savitt.

Ron’s featured piece this year is a thought-provoking photograph of three Dunlin birds feeding at low tide on Higgins Beach, an iconic spot in Maine. Capturing these delicate shorebirds during their migration, Ron’s image is a testament to his deep connection to nature and his unique approach to photography, which focuses on simplicity and emotional depth.

“You Need to Learn How to See Again”

Ron’s journey into photography began with a pivotal moment in his artistic career. After years of casual photography and experimenting with watercolors, he received some tough, yet transformative advice from a mentor: “You need to learn how to see again.” This moment, he reflects, marked the turning point in his creative process. Since then, Ron has dedicated himself to truly “seeing” through the lens, emphasizing an emotional connection to his subjects, particularly in nature photography.

Ron shared: “The approach I take with photography is about what I want to see, what I want to feel. I remember many years ago living in Canada, in the national parks, there was always a sign that read, ‘Take memories, leave only footprints.’ And that’s where I am with photography.”

This philosophy shines through in his featured photograph of the Dunlin birds. Ron’s careful attention to composition and light creates an image that feels both intimate and expansive, embodying his belief that less can indeed be more.

The Story Behind the 2024 Featured Piece

Ron’s featured photo captures a serene, almost meditative moment at Higgins Beach. It was taken at sunset as Ron quietly observed the birds through his long telephoto lens. He describes this experience as one of patience and reverence for nature: “I spent a lot of time setting my camera, thinking about it… I must have spent 3, 4, 5 minutes before I even put my finger on the shutter.”

Ron’s quiet dedication to his craft reflects his deep connection to nature. His work as a monitor for plovers and his ambassadorship with Audubon’s shorebird program have deepened his respect for wildlife, and this is evident in the care he takes in capturing these fleeting moments. As he recounts: “The birds in that picture, this is their last stop before they go south for the winter. They bulk up their weight until they have enough to make that trip. All of it is amazing!”

Photography as a Personal Journey

At Piper Shores, Ron continues to explore the balance between solitude and nature, as he eloquently states, “I rise in darkness and seek solitude in nature.” This commitment to solitude is key to his creative process, allowing him to connect with the environment in ways that go beyond the visual and into the emotional. His minimalist style is not just about reducing visual clutter, but about evoking a deeper feeling—a sense of presence and mindfulness in each photograph.

Despite working with modern digital equipment, Ron applies the traditional techniques of film photography—such as burning and dodging—to enhance his images without the use of advanced software like Photoshop. As he puts it: “I approach photography with a digital camera in the same way I would with film. Spend a lot of time thinking about what you want.”

A Celebration of Creativity at Piper Shores

The Autumnal Resident Art Show will feature a wide range of artistic mediums, including oil painting, sketching, collage, ceramics, and more. This event celebrates the vibrant artistic spirit at Piper Shores and the importance of creativity in promoting healthy aging. With pieces displayed in both the Great Room and the Bigelow Arts Center, visitors can immerse themselves in the diverse talents of the resident artists.

Be sure to visit the Autumnal Resident Art Show on October 19 to experience the stunning talents of Piper Shores’ residents and to witness Ron Savitt’s beautiful work, which he describes with pride: “I was very pleased that [Piper Shores] asked me if [they] could use this because it is one of my better pictures. I do admit that, and I am proud of it.”

Ron and his wife, Ann, have resided at Piper Shores for nearly 3 years.