Piper Shores Fitness & Wellness
Studies have shown that the worst thing people can do as they get older is to become inactive. A variety of harmful risks are associated with a lack of movement. At Piper Shores, you’ll find we place a premium on Fitness and Wellness. Our dedicated fitness director is constantly creating and organizing a variety of offerings that our residents enjoy. Exercise, wellness, outdoor, and even competitive programs are all available. For Piper Shores residents, fulfilling one’s purpose in life is aided by a body that can keep up.
U-ExCEL at PiperShores
In 2006, Piper Shores embarked on a partnership with UNE’s College of Osteopathic Medicine Division of Geriatrics. Today, the program has evolved into The Exercise and Conditioning for Easier Living Program and maintains contracts with seven partners across Maine.
The goals of the U-ExCEL program are threefold:
- to create a healthful environment
- to optimize aging thought fitness activities
- to nurture a social environment
Piper Shores is the primary and largest U-ExCEL campus. The program serves both Piper Shores and Holbrook residents and is a vital part of the community’s life enrichment program.
Exercise Programs at Piper Shores
Program offerings are always evolving at Piper Shores. Exercise programs are offered five days a week and water exercise classes are offered for four. Difficulty levels (beginning, intermediate, advanced) are offered in some classes.
Piper Shores provides initial personal training sessions with an introduction to equipment for no additional cost.
Here are descriptions for our current exercise classes:
Sit and Fit: A group chair exercise program that works muscles from head to toe to improve strength and flexibility while in a sitting position.
Strength and Balance: A group exercise program that addresses core body strength and utilizes weights to work on upper and lower body strength. A segment of the class is dedicated to conducting balance exercises. Each class begins with a warm up and ends with a cool down.
Core Dynamics: A 30-minute strengthening class that focuses on abdominal muscles, the back, hips, and buttocks. The routine for the class is floor-based exercises to help strengthen the essential muscles used for balance, stability, and posture.
Tai Chi: A 45-minute class that is slow, graceful, and calming. It can provide many health benefits including balance improvement, stress reduction, and arthritis pain relief.
Water Walking: A water class designed for walking and incorporating different variations to involve the entire body. Participants are able to follow along easily while working on strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular components.
Water Aerobics: A water class designed to incorporate a multitude of variations that engage the whole body. It is faster paced and more exerting than water walking. Exercises include a combination of cardiovascular, range of motion, flexibility, and muscular strengthening.
Fitness Assessments: 60-minute individual appointments will review medical health history, medications, and personal goals for health. Baseline measures such as heart rate, flexibility, strength, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, etc., are measured and applied to design a personal exercise program.
At“HOME” (Healthy Outcomes from Managed Exercise): A flexible — yet structured — one-on-one program for nursing home, assisted living, or independent living older adults. It encompasses current medical diagnoses and the individual’s health and fitness goals to improve or maintain function. At“HOME” also includes family caregivers.
Personal Exercise Program: A component of the At “HOME” Program. Individuals opting for the Personal Exercise Program have a Fitness Assessment and a Personal Exercise Program designed that is goal-specific.
For substantial health benefits, the CDC recommends that adults get a total of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week and exercises that strengthen all major muscle groups two days per week. Read more about our activities.
Keeping it challenging, engaging, and fun
Piper Shores always tries to keep the programming challenging, engaging, and fun. That means outdoor programming – such kayaking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing – have been put into the mix, as has a water volleyball program that includes competitions at retirement communities in Maine and New Hampshire.
Whatever your preference for movement, you’ll find it here at Piper Shores.

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