Faced with the rise of conditions like diabetes, depression, and obesity, communities across America are beginning to ask themselves how they can provide more opportunities for healthy connections.

Understanding that community connection is one of the keys to good health and long-term happiness, Piper Shores fosters community inside and outside the Piper Shores campus. Inside the campus, this takes shape in the form of activities for residents. It happens in spontaneous and orchestrated ways – at mealtimes, in our gardens, on our pathways, in our library, in our workshop, fitness center, and creative spaces. But this initiative also takes place beyond the Piper Shores campus.
Part of our formal Building Community program involves partnering with nonprofits in Greater Portland in ways that benefit everyone involved. Piper Shores regularly supports other nonprofit organizations, especially when their work enables our own community involvement.
Here are a few highlights from 2015:
- Maine Medical Center Geriatric Nurses Scholarship—Working with Maine Medical Center, we created the Piper Shores Geriatric Nurse Scholarship for employees who want to specialize in the field of geriatrics. The goal of the scholarship program is to support employees who want to pursue the field of nursing, bring exposure to the field of geriatric nursing, and ultimately, to help fill the local and national need for more nurses.
- Alzheimer’s Association 5K Walk —Piper Shores participated, in force, at the 2015 Greater Portland Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Not only did we field the largest team for the September event, but Piper Shores’ residents also raised $3,500 to benefit the Maine Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association.
- Maine Senior Games—The Maine Senior Games is a great fit for our active residents and allows them to participate in sports with their peers. Piper Shores’ resident Betty Perry was a state champion in archery and won in her category in 2015.
- The Fresh From the Farm Dinner—Piper Shores helped sponsor this annual dinner, which raised $20,000 for Broadturn Farm, the Scarborough Land Trust’s signature property. Broadturn Farm plays an important role in the community of Greater Scarborough, providing jobs and offering residents a wide variety of organic vegetables, meats and flowers.
- Maine State Music Theatre—Piper Shores sponsored an individual performance for this Brunswick, ME based theatre troupe. In turn, the Maine State Music Theatre troupe came to Piper Shores, providing a live performance in the auditorium.
- Portland Symphony Orchestra—The Piper Shores van is often seen parked in front of the Merrill Auditorium on Myrtle Street in Portland. Not only do our residents love and support the critically acclaimed performances, but Piper Shores also sponsors PSO, one of the top symphony orchestras of its size in the country.
- Cape Elizabeth Farms—Piper Shores supported local farms and food by sponsoring the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust’s new member campaign. New, rejoining, and renewing members received a gift certificate redeemable at a participating Cape farm stand, courtesy of Piper Shores.
- Scarborough Public Library—Our relationship with the local library is a synergistic one. Piper Shores provided matching donations for the Library’s annual campaign, while the Scarborough Public Library supports Piper Shores with regular lectures as well as support for our onsite library, delivering books to residents.
- Fort Williams Park Foundation—Home to the world famous Portland Headlight, Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth is a favorite place for resident visits. In 2015, Piper Shores sponsored the Fort Williams Park Foundation Garden Tour as a show of appreciation.