Supporting Local Farms

An ongoing collaboration between the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust and Piper Shores continues to produce more customers for local farms while supporting membership growth at the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust (CELT). During the growing months over the past two year, anyone who donated $35 or more to CELT received a $10 gift coupon redeemable at… Read more »

Where in the World is Jim Adamowicz?

Little did we know it, but Piper Shores CEO Jim Adamowicz has embarked on a global excursion, and the residents of Piper Shores are on the hunt to find him. Yes, it’s a worldwide expedition – if not by virtue of getting on an airplane, then at least by travel of the mind.  The journey… Read more »

Transitioning to Medicare: Tips for Seniors

Transitioning to Medicare, or deciding whether or not Medicare is right for you is a complicated and confusing process. There are hundreds of options, dozens of carriers and minimal guidance available. That’s where independent advisors like Caroline Irwin come in. Ms. Irwin is an independent Medicare insurance broker with Coveside Senior Solutions (CSS) in Portland,… Read more »