As the early signs of spring arrive on the Piper Shores campus, we find ourselves in unsettling and unfamiliar territory. Yet, despite the many challenges faced by our friends, our families, and others across the world, it can be helpful to pause and reflect on the many blessings around us. Red-winged blackbirds and red-breasted robins are returning to campus, spring rains are awakening our gardens and flower beds, the tides continue to roll in and out each day. Amidst the hardship, there is comfort in earth’s power of regeneration.
No Known Cases at Piper Shores
As of this writing, there are no known cases of COVID-19 on the Piper Shores campus – a welcome and remarkable fact, for which we should all be deeply grateful.
Piper Shores started providing guidance on social distancing and limiting social gatherings starting March 2. By March 13, we had checkpoint stations and limiting visitors. At that time, there were only 3 positive cases in the whole state of Maine. On March 27, we implemented a shelter in place action not allowing anyone on or off the campus except employees, necessary vendors/deliveries and medically necessary personnel. The risks posed by this deadly disease must not be underestimated, and we each bear the ongoing responsibility to employ social distancing requirements in order to protect the members of our community. We are committed to maintaining these restrictions until we are clear of the danger.
Resident Making Facemasks
A Piper Shores resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, has been busily making masks. As of this writing, about 30 home-sewn facemasks have been made and donated to Scarborough Terrace, a local senior living facility. “The upside of this terrible crisis is all of the wonderful acts of kindness that are happening,” said Elizabeth Simonds, Marketing Director at Scarborough Terrace. “We are so grateful to the folks at Piper Shores for thinking of us.”

Completing another beautiful wooden bench
Before the pandemic hit, members of the woodshop were able to complete the creation of another handmade wooded bench. Once it is deemed safe, the bench pictured here will be donated to the Scarborough Land Trust.

Caption: Ben Odom, Karen Walker, John Peacock, Peter Iano, Ralph Young and Thor Apthorp show off the latest wooden bench, created in the Piper Shores Woodshop.
New: We’re Trying Stay-at-Home Workouts
We all know that being active is key to maintaining good health and a positive attitude. It’s also an important tool for managing chronic health conditions. Thankfully, fitness specialist Hannah LeBlanc from University of New England has created a fun, inspiring – 10 exercises per week – fitness routine custom-made for the Piper Shores community. This little workout is all online and can be accomplished from the comfort (and safety) of your living room. If you thought you needed a gym and weights to stay active, think again, Hannah’s weekly workout has some ingenious alternatives that will keep you smiling. Click here to learn more about this wonderful fitness resource.