For Henry J. Tosi, Jr. joining the “Neighbor’s Circle” wait list at Piper Shores was really just a formality. In fact, Mr. Tosi has been a neighbor of Piper Shores for more than 12 years, since the community was first built.

“I grew up in Montreal and New Jersey, but fell in love with the coast of Maine during a family vacation to Boothbay Harbor. I attended college at Bowdoin, and later taught junior high school in South Portland. While teaching, I began lobstering and continued into my retirement. From my home in Scarborough, and from the deck of my lobster boat, I watched Piper Shores being built.”
Mr. Tosi remembers when Piper Shores first opened their doors, but at the time he wasn’t quite ready for retirement living. A year and half ago, after years of living just down the street, Mr. Tosi officially joined the wait list and became a Neighbor’s Circle member.
“I planned to be on the wait list for about 5 years,” said Mr. Tosi. But as it turns out, an apartment became available earlier this year that suits me perfectly – so I decided the time was right.”
When Mr. Tosi moves into his new apartment this summer, he will be no stranger to the Piper Shores community. Since he joined the wait list in 2011, he has been making daily trips to Piper Shores to use the pool and fitness center and to attend Neighbor’s Circle events and activities.
“The ability to use the fitness facilities while on the wait list has been wonderful,” said Mr. Tosi. “During my workouts, I had the opportunity to meet many of the Piper Shores staff – all of whom terrifically impressed me. I have yet to meet anybody at Piper Shores – resident, employee, or subcontractor – who isn’t just amazing.”
Piper Shores’ reputation as a premier lifecare retirement community has been both a blessing as well as a hurdle for the organization. It has led some people to believe that a retirement at Piper Shores is beyond their financial reach.
“There is a myth out there that Piper Shores is only for the rich,” said Mr. Tosi. “But as a retired teacher, I can attest that this isn’t true. When you analyze all of the costs and benefits, you realize that the lifecare plan at Piper Shores is actually very affordable.”
Like many retirees, part of Mr. Tosi’s move to Piper Shores involved selling his home. He was fortunate, however, in that his close friend was interested in purchasing it from him.
“Everything has really fallen into place,” said Mr. Tosi. “Downsizing and planning for the end of life is not something most people want to think or talk about. But it’s important, and Piper Shores has made that process much easier for me. The bricks and mortar of Piper Shores are fantastic. But that’s really not what makes it. It’s the people. They really, truly care – and that makes such a difference.”